a more wretched hive of scum and villainy you will not find

I notice via Steven that we otaku aren’t respectable enough for the Mainstream Blogmedia – Taranto and the Powerline folks don’t even deign to link back to him anymore.

I can just imagine what political bloggers think when they look over at Mos Eisley here and see us talking about Star Trek cribs. I think Steven’s obviously Chewie – I’m the hammerhead in the corner, Shamus is probably the furry thing.

Well, political blogging sucks. I still do it but I’m starting to think of it like a bad habit – like smoking, I try not to draw attention to my polblog addiction. We all get the urge – even SDB is seen furtively lighting up a post at RedState now and then 🙂 Maybe by 2006 I’ll be fully weaned. In the meantime, I’m having fun blogging again – and we otaku can laugh from time to time at the robotic drivel that the polblogs generate.

I hope no polblogger droid shows up here. We don’t serve their kind here…

One response to “a more wretched hive of scum and villainy you will not find”

  1. ubu Avatar

    Heh. So what about us poli-otaku bloggers? (of which I’m probably the only one). I post about half local politics and half anime. Lack of focus really drives the readers crazy. Eventually I’m going to have to split them, as much of a pain as that will be.

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