Conroe and Merom are here

The new processors from Intel have arrived.

For a fantastic overview of the road to Conroe, check out this retrospective from Tom’s Hardware. Intro:

History may credit AMD almost as much as Intel with the creation of the Woodcrest, Conroe, and Merom architectures, the latter two of which Intel released today. In 2004, AMD effectively threw down a very sizeable gauntlet, challenging Intel on every conceivable front, including retail outlets and courtrooms, to innovate or perish. In good time, Intel responded, with a marketing program and technology initiative that many felt was contrived, inconclusive, lacking vigor.

Intel’s Israel design team spelled out for the company the extent of what it had to do to meet AMD’s challenge: The NetBurst architecture was a physical and thermal dead end. Intel had to stop, repurpose itself, and build the most convincing low-power, high-performance architecture in history, from scratch. It would be an impossible task for any other company. Whether Intel has actually succeeded will depend on the next few months of extensive user testing. But we’ve seen the power of Intel’s new launch vehicle, and the capability for it to meet and probably exceed anything AMD ever anticipated, appears to be there.

Giving credit to AMD for Conroe might just cause Sharikou‘s head to explode 🙂 But the benchmarks are pretty clear: Core Duo 2 blows the Athlon FX away – with no sacrifices in price, performance, or power consumption. The time has come for mobile-on-desktop computing.

3 responses to “Conroe and Merom are here”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    I don’t by any means count AMD out of the race yet, but it does mean we have a race again.

  2. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    good catch – from the conclusion:

    The PC industry can also breathe a collective sigh of relief about power and thermal issues now that Core 2 has arrived. Intel finally has a firm handle on those problems. These processors consume less power—and thus produce less heat—than desktop Pentiums have for quite a while. The E6700 system’s total power draw when fully loaded was 156 W, only 14W more than the Pentium Extreme Edition system drew while sitting idle. What’s more, even the high-end Core 2 processors’ power use was in line with that of the Energy Efficient versions of the Athlon 64 X2. That leaves room for many good things to happen, from less expensive cooling systems to quieter, smaller enclosures and even some righteous overclocking. Combine the low power draw with the performance we’ve seen, and the Core 2 is clearly the most energy-efficient desktop processor around.

    As they note, AMD is not out of the game, but definitely have to play catch-up. It’s hilarious to watch poor Sharikou spin in the meantime 🙂

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