Wii at last!

I noticed the sunday paper had Wii advertisements in the Target and Toys R Us flyers, so on a hunch I called. Target: sold out within five minutes after opening, sorry sir. Sigh. Toys R Us: Yes sir, we have them in stock. Me: what? really? How many? TRU: Plenty, sir. I leave immediately. When I get there, it’s a ghost town – no cars in the lot, no crowds in the store. I go to the game section and they have a pile there. I restrain myself and just pick up the console unit alone, no extra wiimotes or other fluff; I’m in a kind of daze.

And now I am home and my 4 year old is eying the box. Not gonna be blogging much today 🙂

UPDATE: And just like that, I am dismissed. Guess I have time for blogging after all. I really should pick up another Wiimote later, heh.

2 responses to “Wii at last!”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    If you ask her nicely, maybe she’ll let you play with it.

  2. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    heh. Not likely this week as my sister is coming to visit, so I’m third in line with only one Wiimote between us 🙂

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