beta-test a GPS

If you’re a hard-core commuter, or just a geek with a love of driving, then this might interest you:

Dash Navigation is giving out 2000 GPS units for a free six-month test drive. Geeks and “heavy commuters” can go to the website to sign up for a free Dash Express navigation unit. The company recently completed a preliminary test in Silicon Valley and thinks the Internet-connected unit is ready for the big time.

The Dash Express is unlike other GPS units because it constantly accesses the Internet and also other Dash Express units for updated traffic and location information. You can think of it as peer-to-peer navigation.

This is a great concept. I’ve long thought that there needs to be a way to bring realtime traffic into the car; Houston Transtar is a great example of a informative display that is just begging to be integrated onto the dash. This could be the killer GPS app.

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