Douglas Adams Avenue

What a hoopy idea:

On May 11, 2001 a very talented writer and activist was taken from this world far before his time. Not yet 50 years of age, Douglas Adams passed on and left a legacy for all that would come after him.

It it with honor and humor that Geek in the City and the Group ask the citizens of Portland to accept the changing of 42nd Avenue into Douglas Adams Boulevard.

Transforming 42nd Avenue into Douglas Adams Boulevard will reflect upon all those who live and work in the City of Portland.

It will reflect Portlanders’ commitment to the arts.

It will reflect Portlanders’ respect for the environment.

It will reflect Portlanders’ desire to provide technological access to all.

It will reflect Portlanders’ passion to further education to all people.

It will remind all Portlanders’ the most important lesson in times of uncertainty and fear…


That is so amazingly cool you could keep a side of beef in it for a month. The idea is so hip it has difficulty seeing over its pelvis.

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