
When my daughter was 3 years old, I bought her this amazing toy called Magnetix, which is basically nothing more than a few large metal marbles and some multicolored plastic rods with magnets at each end. It’s a great toy, letting you build all sorts of nifty geometric shapes, and she really loved it. It’s invaluable as a child-distractor, though she’s already starting to outgrow it.

This takes the idea to the next level – and is definitely not for kids, nor something you will ever outgrow:

That’s brilliant. Forget the rods, just use the balls, and make those magnetic. Is it just me or should this thing be part of every graduate physics curriculum?

6 responses to “neocube”

  1. Bear Avatar

    That has got to be one of the coolest toys yet, but with all the electronics I own, I see it also being very destructive.

    Science, why must you vex me?!?!?!?

  2. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    I agree with Bear. They’re magnificent, and I don’t want them anywhere near my home.

  3. L6 Avatar

    I love magnetix. I bought like $100 worth of them for work. They make fantastic tops, and always give someone something to fiddle with in your office. I also use them to demonstrate some key facets of my personal philosophy regarding freedom and growth. 🙂

  4. Eric Avatar

    NeoCube is composed of 216 individual high-energy NdFeB magnets. This allows you to create and recreate an outrageous number of shapes and patterns. NeoCube is literally a puzzle with billions of solutions. With all of these possible solutions, you will come up with numerous shapes and patterns for which there is no names, because you will be the first person in history to have created it.


  5. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    Hello Eric,

    I may be shameless for asking, but if you send me an evaluation sample of NeoCube I will gladly do a writeup on my blog.

    Also, any comment you might have regarding compatibility of NeoCube with household electronics would be appreciated.

  6. Neocube Avatar

    Build chains, square, triangle and much more cool shapes. Visit to learn how.

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