goodbye, Marshfield

Tomorrow is the day we leave this town. In the past year here I have grown to really appreciate the pace of life here. My daughter roamed freely about the common backyard area and knew all our neighbors by name; I could leave my house unlocked and my garage open without fear, and everything was 5 minutes away from everything else. Plus, there’s a raw beauty to central Wisconsin that I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere else, a simple yet dignified beauty that was solidly rooted in the land and the soil. I will definitely miss this place, and I somehow doubt that i will ever be back.

Tomorrow, we move to the Madison area. The excitement of returning to Madison is of course a separate channel entirely from my sentiment at leaving Marshfield behind. In a week’s time, our normal will be renormalized. I intend to embrace madison again and make sure that both my daughters get as much benefit as possible from our (lengthier) sojurn there.

5 responses to “goodbye, Marshfield”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    So has your wife finished all her internships, then? And found a real, permanent position? Hope so!

  2. Wonderduck Avatar

    Huh! You’ll be just a comfortable drive away from The Pond then!

  3. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    steven, we wish 🙂 this is just for her second year of dermatology residency. Her first year was in marshfield because that specific position was for some wierd reason a split one (1st year there, next two here). So we will be here for 2 years at least. That measn I dont have to deal with this enormous headache of moving again for a while now, thank god.

    Duck, wheres the Pond? lets meet, Im a stay at home dad so i am pretty flexible 🙂

  4. Wonderduck Avatar

    The Pond is located in Duckford, IL, just south of Beloit… about an hour away on I-90. Or 17 hours if you take construction into account!

  5. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    hey thats great – if by any chance you’re on your way up to Madison, drop me an email!

    that construction is horrible. it starts in Rockford and goes all the way to hte border. Still, better than driving to Marshfield. 😛

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