The Otakusphere Search Engine

It’s somewhat ironic that after having finally settled on a blogroll length of manageable size and purpose (namely, just the blogs I read on a regular basis), my embrace of a RSS feed reader essentially rendered the idea of a blogroll moot. But as a reference of sites I recommend, it still has value. I find myself relying on the sites on my blogroll almost exclusively when researching anime series to watch, as well as finding the diversity of topics beyond anime very well-matched to my tastes (such as games, movies, science fiction, etc). I have increasingly found myself doing custom google searches on or etc etc all the time, which became somewhat cumbersome. So, in search of a better solution, I decided to roll my own search engine for my personal slice of the Otakusphere. Using Google’s backend, now, the search box on searches every site on my blogroll (see the Otakusphere section on the sidebar to the right). You can also access the Otakusphere search engine directly without visiting by visiting ((which redirects to a very ugly Google URL. The google folks very badly need to read this screed by Dave Winer on the topic)). You can even embed the search box on your own site – see below the fold for the relevant HTML code for cut and paste.

The Otakusphere search is of course very highly tuned to my needs and tastes. However i do want it to be of more general use, so i woudl like to solicit suggestions for high-value sites in the Otakusphere for inclusion. I’m looking for sites that have a lot of in-depth reviews of anime titles in particular. Note that since most of the sites I am already including tend to link to smaller sites with detailed reviews ((particularly Pete at Ani-nouto, who is very skilled at finding excellent quality reviews from the furthest reaches of the Otakusphere)), these sites will get indexed too, since the Otakusphere search also indexes pages linked from the core sites. Still, there must be other great aggregators of reviews out there that i’ve missed, so please do let me know.

I assume that very few people are going to use this as often as I do. In a sense, by using it I am being counterproductive since searches on my site will now lead more often away from my content than towards it. Still, since I blog primarily for my own benefit, that’s exactly the way i want it to behave. I hope it’s of some use to others as well.

This is the code to embed the Otakusphere search engine:

<form action="" id="cse-search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="001005190038260932801:cwnfwjbqv5e" />
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

You can also just link to instead.

5 responses to “The Otakusphere Search Engine”

  1. J Greely Avatar

    The search box on the home page returns nothing for me when I try it, even for obvious things like, say, “haibane renmei”, but everything’s fine if I go to and search.


  2. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    odd, the same query works for me using my search box. I am curious, if you embed the search form on a page at your own site, does it work then?

  3. J Greely Avatar

    Making my own page that includes the embed code works. Apparently it’s a proxy issue on my end with how it redraws your site layout after returning the results of the search.


  4. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    Did someone register ’cause I sure didn’t.

  5. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    oh – oops. was just typing in a hurry 🙂 fixed in the post,. though the correct domain is being indexed for the search.

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