Samurai 7 revisited

I burned through Samurai 7 quite quickly a while back and intended to say a few words about it, but never quite got around to it. I am reminded of it now by Mark’s list of anime on his queue to watch, and I can definitely offer a recommendation for S7, though it wasn’t the kind of anime that really grabs you (unlike, say, Death Note). Samurai 7 was simply a good story, with some interesting themes, but ultimately didn’t leave any significant mark. I’d recommend Samurai Champloo far more enthusiastically to anyone looking for a good samurai anime.

Incidentally, now that I am dipping my toe into the Fullmetal Alchemist waters, I notice an interesting parallel between Kikuchiyo and Alphonse. Of course I am only a few eps into the latter but still, the idea of a cyborg samurai seems to be an anime trope of sorts. Are there other examples I am not thinking of?

FYI – the earlier discussion on my previous post was pretty interesting – talking about the influences of Kurosawa’s original movie (which I’ve not yet seen) on this anime, as well as more mainstream movies like Star Wars and The Magnificent Seven.

(aside – my apologies to Mark and Nick for the confusion. I blame my feedreader. This is the reason I created @otakusphere, incidentally…)

2 responses to “Samurai 7 revisited”

  1. Nick Avatar

    Wow! I’m *everywhere*!

    I had watched Samurai 7 a while back, and I do own the original Seven Samurai and watched that one a few times. The movie was brilliant, even if it drags on a bit too long. The series, I’ve found, was rather good. Not in my top 10, but I did find that they expanded on many of the themes of the movie pretty well (at least, it satisfied me). I had originally thought the steampunkish/mecha anachronism and the “Jedi on speed and crack” (how else would you describe Samurai with 4-5 foot long katanas taking down 50-foot tall mecha?) would grate on me, but it really didn’t.

    It would be interesting to do more analysis and comparisons to the original movie.

  2. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    argh, sorry Mark – and Nick. Fixed *blush*

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