this is a masterpiece.

It’s basically what would happen if you took an American Big Mac and exposed it to nuclear radiation – it’s godzilla as applied to burgers. This thing must really skew the heck out of the Big Mac Index.
(via Brian)
this is a masterpiece.
It’s basically what would happen if you took an American Big Mac and exposed it to nuclear radiation – it’s godzilla as applied to burgers. This thing must really skew the heck out of the Big Mac Index.
(via Brian)
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7 responses to “the sublime art of Japanese McDonald’s food”
Astaghfirullah. Look at all that bacon. 😉
(clutching chest) AAAGGGGHHH!!! My heart!
Ugh, lettuce. ^___^
i lurv the poached egg….its like a miyazaki movie on a bun!
omg its like a hoars
lol wowww
What the hell is that?!?! Your 3 meals for the day, rolled into this “burger”???? YUCK!!! Mac Sauce with eggs?!?! I think NOT!!!! YUCK!!!