the sublime art of Japanese McDonald’s food

this is a masterpiece.

The Mega Tamago Burger at Japanese McDonald's
The Mega Tamago Burger at Japanese McDonald’s

It’s basically what would happen if you took an American Big Mac and exposed it to nuclear radiation – it’s godzilla as applied to burgers. This thing must really skew the heck out of the Big Mac Index.

(via Brian)

7 responses to “the sublime art of Japanese McDonald’s food”

  1. Willow Avatar

    Astaghfirullah. Look at all that bacon. 😉

  2. Evil Otto Avatar

    (clutching chest) AAAGGGGHHH!!! My heart!

  3. Mitch H. Avatar

    Ugh, lettuce. ^___^

  4. matoko_chan Avatar

    i lurv the poached egg….its like a miyazaki movie on a bun!

  5. nico Avatar

    omg its like a hoars

  6. khadejah Avatar

    lol wowww

  7. Mystical Avatar

    What the hell is that?!?! Your 3 meals for the day, rolled into this “burger”???? YUCK!!! Mac Sauce with eggs?!?! I think NOT!!!! YUCK!!!

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