video: rebooting air travel in Europe

Amazing video of European air travel starting up again after the volcano:

Airspace Rebooted from ItoWorld on Vimeo.

I found this via Mark Ashley‘s indispensable air-traveller blog. Mark notes,

You’ll notice some gaps, especially over France. That doesn’t mean that there’s no radar over French airspace. Rather, the website’s data are gathered by individual aviation enthusiasts who hook receivers up to their computers, to capture and track planes with ADS-B transponders. It’s an enthusiast community, sorta like HAM radio operators. (I’ll defer to the site’s “About” link for an explanation, since I claim no expertise in transponders.)

But regardless of the technology driving the site, it’s a neat video. You’ll notice a few test flights, some flying a loop. Then a few more. And then, the deluge.

In particular, note the impact when London Heathrow comes online. A behemoth.

All this is particularly reassuring to me personally as I have a little trip to Europe myself coming up.

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