basic health – baby steps

I’ve actually been stereotypically awol in blog posts in my “Fitness” category. But there actually has been recent movement on that front; we bought an elliptical machine which I’ve been making regular use of (averaging 4x a week, 25min) and I got my cholesterol and vitamin D levels checked as part of a basic checkup. I’ve started taking multivitamins, and am taking daily 5000 IU of D3 since I’m highly deficient. Plus my cholesterol is a normal-but-high 169 and my HDL is a baseline-minimum-normal 40. So, there’s room for improvement, and I’ve started reducing my fast food accordingly (but not enough).

I haven’t totally changed my lifestyle around but I am making these initial, positive steps (exercise, diet, and supplements). In a couple of months I have a follow up and lets see what effect it has.

Now, I’m going to go to a conference for a week, and get very little sleep, no exercise, and eat junk the whole time. sigh. I’ve got my vitamins, though!

Incidentally, this piece in the Times about the real value of exercise was illuminating.

(haven’t used the Wii much at all of late. Need to get back into that, at least doing the pushups and situps, again, too. After Stockholm.)

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