Scrabble re-enactment in ASCII

this is … amazing.

( ゜-゜)> ┬───┬ (゜-゜ )

( ゜-゜) ┬───┬ <(゜-゜ ) ( ゜-゜)> ┬───┬ (゜-゜ )

( ゜-゜) ┬───┬ <(゜-゜ ) ( ゜-゜)> ┬───┬ (゜-゜ )

( ゜-゜) ┬───┬ (゜‿゜ )

( ゜.゜) ┬───┬ <(^‿^ ) ( ಠ_ಠ) ┬───┬ (^‿^ ) ( ಠ_ಠ) ┬───┬ ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (╯°益°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (°□°╬)

It’s from the comment thread at Shamus’ latest autobiographical post. I have serious issues with that post, but that’s not really any of my business, so I’m just going to gape in awe at the ASCII art instead.

3 responses to “Scrabble re-enactment in ASCII”

  1. Anachronda Avatar

    ASCII? Hardly!

  2. Otaku Kun Avatar

    ok, point taken


  3. Anachronda Avatar

    Ah! That’s what they are. The eyes on the top two of the bottom three aren’t in the font in my trusty Mac Mini, so they were showing up as boxes with hex digits in them. Here on my Winders netbook, they show up.

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