Feeling Blu, more on SOPA, DRM, blah blah blah

It looks like VLC media player will soon support encrypted Blu-rayplayback. This seems relevant to the discussion started by Pete and continued by J (hardware) and Steven (software). I’d just like to add that AnyDVD HD should be legal to own in the US as far as I know, since it allows you to backup discs you already own. I should get around to doing exactly that, in fact, because all our Disney DVDs are getting scratched to heck.

Actually, its probably illegal to download a torrent of a DVD you already own but is too scratched to view, and using the torrent to burn a new DVD copy. But it shouldn’t be, which is why I return to my rant about DRM and the huge wasted opportunity that was SOPA activism.

Speaking of SOPA – great article at Big Think going against the grain, titled “Hooray for SOPA!”. I think it’s a great point to make, especially about how small content producers get screwed by piracy – just look at the state of plagiarism on Amazon’s kindle store. And also an Ars article about the recent takedown of filesharing site Megaupload, asking “if we can take down Megaupload under existing US law, why do we need SOPA?” (Ars is more diplomatic. My answer: because SOPA was never about domestic infringing sites, and thus was never a threat). Mark also had kind words for my earlier screed, and I wholeheartedly endorse his archived post about DRM and Intellectual Property – a must-read.

3 responses to “Feeling Blu, more on SOPA, DRM, blah blah blah”

  1. Pete Zaitcev Avatar

    SOPA/PIPA caused so much more interest than DRM because the stakes were significant for the power players, as the future of the political speech was entangled into it. But DRM is merely a consumer protection issue. It is only peripheral to the existence of the Republic.

  2. Otaku Kun Avatar

    But it’s the activists like EFF and Lessig and the techsphere like Ars and Techcrunch etc that could have carried the ball on DRM instead of playing with the technotitans’ (ie. google) agendas.

  3. Pozycjonowanie Avatar

    SOPA, PIPA, ACTA.. what else is gonna happen?

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