Is that a TARDIS in the newly-discovered Van Gogh painting (Sunset at Montmajour) ??

One of my friends pointed this out and now I just can’t stop seeing it:

The newly discovered Van Gogh
The newly discovered Van Gogh

The above painting, the Sunset at Montmajour, is now confirmed to be an authentic Van Gogh painting by the experts at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.

Pay attention to that upper left corner. Here’s a closeup:

closeup van gogh

look familiar? 🙂 Okay, obviously the significance of the upper left corner is open to debate, but for any Whovian it will immediately recall:

I also would like to point out that Montmajour appears to have been painted during the “sunflowers” period of Van Gogh’s career, which is right around when he was visited by The Doctor and Amy. Just saying.

The Van Gogh episode is right up there with Blink as my favorite Who episodes of all time. As an aside, the actor who played Van Gogh, Tony Curran, is now playing the awesome character of Datak Tarr on Syfy’s new TV-show/MMORPG Defiance. Well worth your time for his performance alone.

2 thoughts on “Is that a TARDIS in the newly-discovered Van Gogh painting (Sunset at Montmajour) ??”

  1. Also one of Doctor Who’s best life lessons that can be applied to real life came from that episode.

    ” The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.”

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