Tag: Star Trek

  • BSG season 4 tidbit: Romo Lampkin returns!

    badgerThis interview with Ron Moore has lots of little morsels to chew on, but by far the best is the news that wily lawyer Romo Lampkin returns twice in season 4. He’ll always be The Badger to me, though.

    The bad news is that there is no word on when the second half of the season will be aired; SciFi milking the series out until 2009 seems increasingly likely. Still, at least we get the first ten episodes of season 4 starting in just two weeks.

    Interestingly, the interview with Moore also includes his thoughts on the new Sar Trek film. Overall, he is very positive, about the reboot with fresh blood. Worth reading in full.

  • nameless movie game

    I don’t even know what to call this other than “Aziz’s brain works in odd ways” but it occurred to me that there are movies which reunite actors from totally unrelated films. For example, we know Christopher Reeve was the iconic Superman, and Michael Keaton was the original big screen Batman. So with all the talk of a Supes vs Bats movie out there, some people fantasize about a Keaton-Reeve casting. But it’s been done! The movie was called Speechless and costarred Gina Davis.

    Likewise the mom and dad from Seventh Heaven (on television) were both sidekicks to Captain Kirk in Star Trek movies (mom was Gillian from IV:The Voyage Home and dad was Decker from I:The Motion Picture).

    Can’t think of any other examples off the top of my head but do chime in if you’ve got one.

  • Save the Kobayashi Maru

    It seems that a famous Starfleet exam will be making an appearance in the new Star Trek film. As will a famous episode of cheating on said exam. This news is doubtless going to annoy the heck out of Saavik in about 40 years.

    The real Saavik I mean, not that Kirstie Allie knockoff.

    UPDATE: Ugh. Kirk beat the Maru test on sex appeal? This is the problem with prequels that seek to make backstory explicit. I am still excited about this reboot of the Star Trek franchise, but it will require setting aside years of fan-driven spec, most of which is probably superior to the new canon being imposed upon us.

  • utopian dreams

    attention Fake Steve Jobs, you owe me a new Starbucks. This made me snort my venti sugarfree gingerbread latte:

    Al Gore meets Klingon ambassador

    Well it was a momentous occasion as Al was lauded by the United Federation of Planets for his work to save planet Earth. He’s shown here with the Klingon ambassador Lord Koloth.

    If only it were true.

  • Trek 2.0 casting roundup

    The holy triumvirate of Kirk, Spock and Bones is fully cast – with Bones being played by Karl Urban (Eomer from LOTR), which IMHO is all kinds of awesome. Bones needs to have that badass vibe. Another inspired bit of casting is Winona Ryder as Spock’s mom; about time she played someone all responsible-like. And Sulu is being played by Harold of Harold and Kumar fame (Kirk’s policy on piloting the Enterprise while stoned remains unknown). I’m looking forward to this!

  • Star Trek nerdery

    Suppose you are on the Starship Enterprise. Which technology do you trust more? The transporter, or the holodeck? Take the poll and then tell why in comments.

  • before there was Spaaarta!!!

    there was Khaaaan!

    I’ve zero interest in watching 300, by all accounts a piece of fiction that has as tenous a connection to the actual events at Thermopylae as Jack and the Spartans.

    Anyway, Conan wipes the floor with puny Spartans any day:

  • Trek X casting speculation

    There isn’t any real new casting information about casting for the new Star Trek franchise reboot to report. However, I did see The Departed a couple of weeks ago, and also Oceans 11 for the second time. Between the two of those films, any lingering doubt I might have had about Matt Damon playing James Tiberius Kirk has been effectively neutralized.

    But if they do land Gary Sinise as Bones McCoy, that’s the real casting coup.

    Wouldn’t Topher Grace make for a great Spock?

  • Trek X

    The more I learn about the new Star Trek “reboot” the more excited I get. Look at how Batman Begins and Casino Royale essentially breathed new life into abused franchises; now comes a hint that the original Star Trek continuity and canon itself might be ditched, which is really good news. Via AICN, a panel at the WONDERCON in San Francisco revealed a lot of tidbits:


  • engaging

    Ever wonder what the cast of Star Trek did on those fancy sets between takes? Ever wonder just how much of a freak Patrick Stewart really was off-camera? Ever had the urge to break into Paramount’s lot to sneak onto the Bridge of the Enterprise D?

    (h/t Moe. Who will suffer for this, I promise.)

    (UPDATE: I’m brown, but otherwise yes, guilty as charged.)