Tag: The Expanse

  • The Expanse returns on April 11

    teaser from SyFy below – god I love this show, but i love the books even more. #WhatsFirefly?

    Incidentally, I just finished (audiobook) of Persepolis Rising, which kicks off the new trilogy, and pulls a Star Wars timejump. This is as deep a well of excellence as Game of Thrones, except that the authors are actually writing the next novel, and the TV show is comfortably far behind 🙂

  • Space battles in The Expanse are incredible

    watch this.

    wow. that raises the bar in my imagination for any space battle in any sci fi. I’ll never be quite as enamoured of X-Wing dogfights ever again. The Expanse is true hard sci-fi in the TV era – there’s as much depth in the novels for a Game of Thrones-esque run if they do it right. Having read (most of) the books, I am amazed at how amazed I am at major plot developments in the show, even though I know they are coming – they just have such incredible impact.

    Related: the Nauvoo is just… a cathedral of awesome.