Category: Movies and Television

  • one year left

    and then your old analog TVs are done. Just a friendly reminder.

  • the mask of Batman

    I’d mused earlier that Clark Kent, not Superman, is the more interesting character (and unfortunately, the various incarnations of Superman on the movie screen have seen fit to ignore my opinion).

    Kevin D agreed with me, but made an offhand comment that the dynamic is inverted for Bruce Wayne/Batman. I have to disagree. Bruce Wayne as the mask, rather than Batman, makes the character much more shallow. The genius of the Batman movie reboot with Christian Bale was that they made Wayne the focus, with Batman being a mere persona, just another tool in his arsenal (a psychological one).

    I am more interested in Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent as characters than in Superman and Batman. A Wayne/Kent story would be ideal. A Batman/Superman story would be 2-dimensional and dull. Both these men are more alike than the differences in their costumed personas indicate.

    I’ve no doubt this has been explored in the comics at some point but frankly these characters are more interesting to me on a screen than on a page.

  • goodbye, Hobbit.

    see you guys later, hopefully


    LOS ANGELES – The estate of “Lord of the Rings” creator J.R.R. Tolkien is suing the film studio that released the trilogy based on his books, claiming the company hasn’t paid it a penny from the estimated $6 billion the films have grossed worldwide.

    The suit, filed Monday, claims New Line was required to pay 7.5 percent of gross receipts to Tolkien’s estate and other plaintiffs, who contend they only received an upfront payment of $62,500 for the three movies before production began.

    What the heck is wrong with the idiots at New Line?? Shamus says it more calmly than I can.

    Naturally, no word of this at the Official Hobbit Blog. I still hold out hope that New Line will be forced to do the right thing, and that the Tolkien estate won’t be so burned by the experience that they will allow The Hobbit to be made, but it’s obviously not happening this decade.

  • all’s well that ends well, sorta

    Looks like the WGA strike is ending, so TV will be back to “normal” soon. Also, Yahoo just flipped off Microsoft, saying No! to the merger offer because “it undervalues the company”. Details at the respective linky.

  • Heath Ledger, RIP

    woah, this was not expected at all.

    Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a residence in downtown Manhattan.

    “He was found unconscious at the apartment and pronounced dead,” the New York Police Department said, adding that pills were found near the body.

    Police are reportedly investigating if the Australian actor, who earned an Oscar nomination for Brokeback Mountain, died of a drug overdose.

    The 28-year-old was found dead in the flat at around 1530 (2030 GMT).

    Police said they did not suspect foul play and that his body had been discovered surrounded by pills.

    I am reminded of River Phoenix, or Brandon Lee. It’s quite a shock, especially given how anticipated his turn as The Joker is going to be this summer in the Batman sequel. But Ledger was a really solid actor – I saw Cassanova on a flight last year and was really surprised at how enjoyable it was, almost entirely due to Ledger’s robust performance. I haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain but his dramatic turn there is probably what landed him the role in Batman, where the viral marketing campaign has already succeeded in making him the definitive iconic Joker (thankfully eclipsing the dreadful Jack Nicholson version). Ledger will definitely be missed.

  • movies on a plane

    By my best estimate, I spent about 17 hours outbound and 20 hours inbound in the air to get to and from Colombo. I can’t estimate how much of that time I was sleeping, but I did get to see a lot of movies (as well as do a lot of writing, taking photos out the window, and reading and re-reading and re-re-reading the inflight magazines). Here are the movies I saw in flight and some brief comments on them, a multi-mini-review of sorts.

    3:10 to Yuma: Christian Bale is a god. The movie would have been pretty dull without him, even though Russell Crowe did a reasonable job (though he just doesn’t have the same badass vibe anymore). With Bale, though, I think this movie qualifies to complete the Trilogy of best neo-Westerns ever made, alongside Unforgiven and Serenity (yes, I know what you’re thinking, and I stand by the assertion. Pfft). One of the intriguing things about the movie is the way that simple answers to simple questions about Bale’s character, Evans, are used to really move the plot, such as what he was doing before he was a hardscrabble Arizona rancher, why he became a rancher, and most critically, the circumstances behind his amputated foot. The father-son relationship also worked well as a plot element because it wasn’t overplayed, it just remained matter of fact. Highly recommendedas a rental, maybe even purchase outright.

    Rush Hour 3: Apart from the scene in the dojo, where the dynamic duo take on Yao Ming’s kung-fu clone, this movie was actually equally enjoyable with the sound off. That is to say, not all that much. The mystery villain’s identity was intriguing but the final scene seemed very Backdraft-ish to me. Not really recommended as worth the time.

    Bourne Ultimatum: I came into this one without having seen the prior installments, and had no problem following the plot whatsoever. I loved how linear the plot was, and how modest the technobabble was, as well as how the trail of clues led Bourne and the CIA to the same conclusions despite their two very different set of resources. My only complaint was that the field agent who helped Bourne seemed rather token to me, in that she was just a plot device for the Morrocan segment and could easily have been written out of the movie without any real impact. The idea of a spy movie where the spy questions his very purpose is not new but also never been done with this level of sophistication before (though there are some hints of this in the new Bond franchise relaunch with Daniel Craig). What struck me the most was the centrality of the idea that we as a nation stand for something more, the ideal of American exceptionalism of character and values, and the simple and effective repudiation of the idea that we as a nation should ever betray ourselves by allowing ends to justify means. Spy movies don’t often have much of a comment on patriotic ideology. The only purpose of a nation in the Bond films is as a sugar-daddy. In fact the contrast with Bond is very instructive; I’d rather have men like Bourne represent our nation than men like Bond, and the entire movie functions as a powerful moral critique of James Bond. I’ve no clue if the previous installments of the trilogy were this surprisingly thoughtful and introspective behind the mayhem, but I intend to find out. Of course, the ending left the door wide open for sequels, though (mild spoiler) one assumes that they won’t be using the word “Bourne” in the title, unless it’s “Bourne Again”. This is a must-rent for any fan of the action-spy genre.

    The Darjeeling Limited: I’d seen reviews of this movie, trailers, and plot summaries, but not a single one of these came even close to describing it accurately. This is more than a movie about brotherhood, it’s one about growth and letting go of the past. It’s ironic that the biggest life lesson that the three brothers learned was from their reclusive mother, who advised them to let go of the past, but herself chooses to run from it instead. This is one of those movies where you get so caught up in the characters you almost don’t realize there is a message hidden below their antics. This is one worth owning as the rewatch potential (especially with family) is very high.

    The Heartbreak Kid: A fun Ben Stiller rom-com with a twist in that it defies the usual convention of movies about marriage by (spoiler) allowing the main character to really and truly screw up everything. This one would make a good movie night rental pairing with The Breakup (Vince Vaughn), especially for someone who verges on cynicism about love but needs/wants to be reminded of why it’s worth pursuing.

    Stardust: What a pleasant surprise! Claire Danes literally shines. I mean, literally – she’s a fallen star. I mean star in the literal (but fantastic fictional) sense – knocked from the sky down to earth by a magic amulet. This movie evoked The Princess Bride in a lot of ways, and would make a great movie night pairing. Bonus casting of Michelle Pfeiffer as the chief villain, Robert Deniro as the Dread Pirate Roberts, er I mean, Captain Shakespeare, and Peter O’Toole as the worst king ever (for all of 5 minutes of screen time) was just icing on the cake. A great family film and highly recommended.

    I think that covers it, six movies total accounting for about 12 hours of screen time, meaning I whiled away about 1/3rd of my time in flight. Don’t ask about the remaining 2/3rds. I am glad to be home, indeed.

  • I give up

    I tried to use the Netflix live-movie streaming service to watch Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex and was rewarded for it with this:

    netflix denied

    that was after I was told that Firefox was incompatible, then asked by Internet Explorer to download three things and install two others, and after jumpin through all those hoops, got various “you do not have permissions to access this content” dialog boxes. The coup de grace was the message aboveApple is headed down the same bogus road:

    Sources say Apple plans to charge $3.99 a pop for 24-hour rentals. Since Apple may agree to pay closer to the $17 wholesale price paid by other retailers, it’s unclear whether iTunes might boost the price or take a small loss to help drive sales of Apple TV boxes and video iPod players.

    Apple’s movie download service is going to crash and burn, and leave a bigger smoking crater than Circuit City’s ill-fated DivX did a few years back. Four bucks for 24 hour rentals?

    The first company to let you click one button and download a movie – no frills, no subtitles, no disc extras, just the movie – directly to your DVD burner and stick that in your home theater DVD player is going to mint money, for themselves and for the movie studios. And yeah I’d pay five bucks a pop for that, and I’d ditch Netflix too.

    Unfortunately it only took the music companies 20 years or so to figure out that DRM was Dumb Retail Marketing. Maybe we have to wait another 20 years for the movie studios to figure that out. By which time the whole concept of physical media will be obsolete anyway.

  • CES: the silly season

    So there’s this little thing called the Consumer Electronics Show out in Las Vegas where all the big tech companies come together and show off all the geek service they’ve got lined up for the following year. Everyone except for Apple, that is, who has their own little bash a week later to be fashionable. But this year, the overlap of CES with the political cycle makes for some interesting and informative analogies. Consider this. Two candidates, each representing change from the current status quo, each promising vast advantages and benefits and superior experience. Both are locked in a drawn-out battle for the hearts of voters, but also a more pragmatic one for the minds of delegates, because each one wants to be the nominee for the bigger battle ahead. And suddenly in the very first contest between them of the year, one candidate pulls ahead with a dramatic upset, casting seer doubt on the viability of the other (who had campaigned with an aura of inevitability).

    Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, competing for the Democratic presidential nomination? Nope. HD-DVD and Blu-ray, competing for next-generation DVD status in your home theater (and more importantly, on your DVD bookshelf).

    The big news last week was that Warner Video is ditching HD-DVD; now comes news from the Financial Times that Paramount might also abandon the format and embrace Blu-ray exclusivity:

    Paramount is poised to drop its support of HD-DVD following Warner Brothers’ recent backing of Sony’s Blu-ray technology, in a move that could sound the death knell of HD-DVD and bring the home entertainment format war to a definitive end.

    Paramount and DreamWorks Animation, which makes the Shrek films, came out in support of HD-DVD last summer, joining General Electric’s Universal Studios as the main backers of the Toshiba format.

    However, Paramount, which is owned by Viacom, is understood to have a clause in its contract with the HD-DVD camp that would allow it to switch sides in the event of Warner backing Blu-ray, according to people familiar with the situation.

    Paramount is set to have a bumper 2008 with several likely blockbusters, including the latest instalment in the Indiana Jones franchise, slated for release.

    This basically leaves HD-DVD without any major must-have titles in its format exclusively, as Blu-Ray already had about 70% of the content even before you take Paramount into account. Already, TechCrunch is declaring the format war over and that HD-DVD has “joined the Deadpool”. To say this is premature is an understatement. To date, combined sales of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players and discs alike are a drop in the bucket compared to traditional DVD sales. Plus, Universal Studios still is committed to the format and as we have just seen, major studio allegiances can shift over time. The key I think to keeping HD-DVD alive is that the players are cheap, and they do the job as an advanced DVD player to upconvert traditional DVD to HDTV resolution. Take the Playstation 3 out of the equation and standalone HD-DVD players easily outsell Blu-ray; from a consumer perspective it’s the $99-$199 piece of hardware that is easier to justify than the $499-$699 one, especially when that consumer still is feeling the pain of the outlay for the fancy new HDTV (which everyone’s going to feel at some point, given the pending switchover).

    I think it’s absurd to count HD-DVD out right now. Certainly the news isn’t great, but neither format is viable yet and it will be years before they even begin to approach a reasonable fraction of the existing DVD market. I’d still buy an HD-DVD today if I had an HDTV to watch it on, mainly because it would serve double duty and ultimately all of this won’t matter because the future is not physical media, it’s video download.

  • LOTR on Blu-Ray?

    Warner Studios made a big splash this past week when they announced they were going to ditch HD-DVD in favor of Blu-Ray. The ripple effect of this hasn’t fully played out, but one consequence appears to be that the Lord of the Rings (and The Hobbit, one assumes) will only be on Blu-Ray:

    According to Variety, New Line and HBO will follow Warner’s lead to side only with Blu-ray Disc. BBC Video, the company behind the popular high-definition nature documentary Planet Earth, has not yet publicly expressed its intentions with format exclusivity.

    New Line already positions its Blu-ray Disc products with greater priority than the equivalent HD DVD. New Line’s first high-definition film, Hairspray, hit Blu-ray Disc in late November 2007, while an HD DVD version was only promised sometime in early 2008.
    Perhaps the most important outcome of New Line’s upcoming decision is that the studio owns the rights to The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Should the (second) most compelling motion picture trilogy hit high-definition home video, it’ll be on Blu-ray Disc.

    If anything, this means that it’s better to just stick with legacy DVD and get my HD content via the internet. At least until the price of Blu Ray drives falls to the $100 mark or below (territory already occupied by HD-DVD). It also should be noted from the article that part of the reason for the preference of Blu-Ray is again the region-coding issue.

  • this is why I lost interest in Lost

    telling quote from Matthew Fox, star of the hit TV show Lost:

    “I’m telling you, the story is going to charge and move rapidly in the next 48 episodes,” Fox tells EW. “One of the knocks on the show is that it hasn’t moved fast enough.”

    A television show where it takes 48 episodes (hour long ones, mind you) to start moviing “fast enough” ? It’s much quicker to just read the wiki.