An observation: Until now I’d been on the 2-at-a-time plan for my Netflix subscription. I’d found that returning movies to Netflix was snappy; they’d email me confirmation of receiving a movie from me the day after I placed it in my mailbox (and I get my mail at about 5pm on weekdays). However getting movies from Netflix usually took much longer – after confirmation of my return, it would be another full day before I got the outbound notice email, and then it took another two days typically for the movie to actually get here.
I just upgraded to the 3-at-a-time plan however and just noticed that I am now getting movies much faster – they reach me the day after I get the outbound notice. It’s only a few dollars more a month but it’s a tremendously faster service. OK, I’m paying more, they are happier, I understand. But my puzzlement about this is that wouldn’t this actually serve to increase my cost to them as a customer? Why make any change at all to my movie priority? I didn’t upgrade for speed, I upgraded because we as a family needed more than just 2 discs at a time (we basically have three people in the house who watch TV).
Watch, now that I’ve pointed this out my movies will take twice as long to arrive 😛
I do highly recommend Netflix as an easy way to stay abreast of both anime and regular movies. They offer a free trial (affiliate link) and the basic, one disc at a time/two rentals a month service is only $5 a month (though I’m paying $17 for three, with unlimited returns and rentals).